The main focus of BAC is to ensure that MSEs (micro and small scale enterprises) have access to high quality, affordable and accessible business support services (BDS) through the provision of client-focused quality programmes, supported by superior customer service and building strong relationships with stakeholders.
The long term goal
- The long term goals of the Ada East BAC are:
- To reduce poverty in the rural areas
- To improve living conditions and increase the income of women and vulnerable groups through self and wage employment
- The BAC’s objectives are to:
- Increase the number of rural MSEs that generate profit.
- Enhance MSEs growth.
- Enhance employment opportunities.
III Overall Strategy to District’s Development Efforts
- To strengthen SMEs competence and capacity to operate effectively and efficiently.
- To promote entrepreneurship through business development services
- To encourage artisans to form strong association to enable them qualify for financial and non-financial support.
IV Eligible enterprises are grouped under the following
- Service enterprises
- Farm base
- gro-processing
- Agro Industrial
- Traditional Craft
- Primary fabrication and repair
The activities of the BAC are grouped into four (4) main components:
- Business Development Services (BDS) Component.
Example of programmes or activities under the BDS
- CBT in Aquaculture
- CBT in fish feed preparation
- CBT in best storage practices
- CBT in soap making
- Training in disease and pest control
- Training in fruit processing
- Training in marketing skills
- Quality Assurance
- Business counselling
- Agric. Commodity Processing Infrastructure Development (ACPID);
Example of programmes or activities under the ACPID
- Provide in training in occupation safety health and environment management
- Facilitate NVTI certification of graduate apprentices
- Provide start up kits to graduate apprentices
- Provide support to DAs to develop light industrial estates
- Access to Rural Financial (ARF) Sub-Component;
Example of programmes or activities under the AFR
- Facilitate MSEs access to MGF
- Facilitate MSEs access to REDF
- Facilitate MSEs access to financial institution own funds
- Institutional Development(ID) Component
Example of programmes or activities under the ID
- Stakeholder Forum
- Facilitate organisation of District MSE sub committee
- Seminar on ASSI
Over the years, the BAC has supported and trained over thousands of individuals in Business Management, Marketing seminars, Record Keeping, Fish processing, Salt processing, Bee keeping, Beads Designing, Hand Embroidery, Soap Making, Bags and Purse making, Batik tie and dye, Vegetable processing, Beauty Care, Coconut oil processing OSHEM etc.